Opening hours
The preschool is open 9.00am – 3.00pm, Monday to Friday, term time only.
Sessions & term dates
The preschool day is organised around two main sessions
Morning 09.00 -12.00 and Afternoon 12.00 – 15.00. A full day is the equivalent of 2 sessions
Choosing sessions
Morning sessions are our most popular. If they are fully booked, we recommend starting in the afternoon, whilst placing your child on the waiting list for your preferred sessions.
During all sessions the children have time to play and work together in a mixed age group, encouraging responsibility and sensitivity in our older children and giving our younger children role models for social skills and language.
Lunch is for children attending full days or afternoons only and is taken at 12.00-12.30pm with children bringing their own packed lunch. Lunchtime is used to promote social skills and healthy lifestyle.
Increasing Sessions
It may be possible to increase your number of priced sessions mid-term, if staffed session spaces are available. Funded sessions can only be increased termly.
The summer term is always very busy so it is advisable to plan any increase of sessions for your child well in advance.
Cancellation Policy
Parents / carers are required to give notice of any reduction or cancellation in bookings in writing at least half a term in advance. This ensures stable staffing levels can be maintained.
During the cancellation period the previously booked sessions remain open for your child whether or not they attend and therefore the fees remain payable in full.
Extra activities (during sessions)
We try whenever possible to involve parents and friends of the preschool to come in and share their special skills to broaden the children’s experience. Recently these have included Spanish, Pilates and football.
We are always looking for new volunteers for these activities. Please speak to any member of staff if you would like to contribute to a session.
Please telephone us during term time only between 08:30 and 15:00 on 07840 341 551
Alternatively, please email us on