How our setting knows if young children need extra help and what our Parents/Carers should do if they think their child may have SEND.
We make sure we have all vital information from parents and carers. We use ‘All about me forms’ to help us gain extra home life and personal information about them.
We receive information from previous settings and from other Health Care professionals such as speech therapists.
Each child is assigned a key worker to form a close bond with both parents and the child. To support each child a variety of ways of sharing information about the child’s needs and development is available.
Individual child’s observations are always ongoing to track each child’s progress. In some cases, this identifies areas that need extra support. These observations will be discussed with the Preschool’s SENCO and if your child’s key worker has identified a possible individual need, this will be discussed with you and planned with you to support your child in the best possible way.
If you have any concerns about the progress or attainment of your child, please feel free to talk to your child’s key worker who will then liaise with the setting SENCO if appropriate.
How our setting supports your young children with SEND.
When enrolling at our preschool, you will be invited to have some taster sessions to help settle your child. This will include you and your child coming along with your child to play and familiarise themselves with the staff and setting. We understand this is a very hard and emotional transition and we will try our best to make it as easy as possible for both the child and the parents. At the taster session you will get the chance to speak to the SENCO if you have any worries or concerns.
We always work alongside our parents to support each child.
Both your child’s key worker and the settings SENCO will be available to talk to you and explain how your child’s individual needs can be met by planning support using the one-page profiles.
Your child’s key worker and the SENCO will together identify individual needs and plan appropriate next steps, accessing additional support from other professionals where necessary.
With parents’ permission we may make a referral with any concerns that we have. We will implement strategies and advice offered as appropriate.
We will work in partnership with you, reviewing your child’s targets and planning new ones together.
We have an open door policy for all concerns of parents and carers.
How our setting creates Learning and Development opportunities for individual children with SEND.
Every child has an online Learning Journal which contains observations and photographs of your child and their work and achievements at preschool, this will allow the key worker to be able to assess what your child is achieving within the EYFS, from this your child’s individual next steps plan will be made for them, based upon the EYFS.
You will have access to your child’s online Journal and all times. You will be sent notifications of any photographs or observations as they are added.
The setting SENCO will monitor and assess the children’s progress within the setting and will help all staff members to ensure next steps and one-page profiles are completed.
We identify the specific needs of children with SEND and meet those needs through a range of strategies such as now and then cards, visual timetable and Makaton.
How our setting works in partnership with Parents/Carers.
As a committee led preschool we are happy to have parents involved with the group. This could be as a member of the committee, there are a variety of roles which vary in areas of interest and the amount of time you have available. Or as a volunteer parent helper, this does not have to be on a regular basis. We are always pleased to have parents stay for a session or part of a session to play with the children, we have a parent rota on the table in the entrance lobby.
We offer helper session which allows you to stay and help and see how your child is developing in the setting.
We have a WOW board where you are encouraged to share your child’s achievements such as sleeping in a big bed, swimming with no arm bands or drinking from an open cup. These successes are then used by your child’s key work to enhance your child’s learning.
We have half termly newsletters which give an overview of the activities the children have participated in and any future activities which are planned.
We email our parents fortnightly with the children’s planned activities and up to date news items.
We have a daily notice board which details activities which have taken place during the daily session this goes outside at the end of each morning.
How our setting supports the wellbeing of young children with SEND
The Chesterfords Preschool follows the safeguarding, welfare and learning and development requirements of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage).
The above policies, as well as all our policies are available to read and are held within the setting.
We will make reasonable adjustments to promote equality of opportunity for all children and will take steps to ensure that children with medical conditions get the support required to meet their needs.
Risk assessments are carried out daily and are continually reviewed.
Children are signed in and out of the setting and only allowed out of the setting with a named person whom is know to staff; unless by prior arrangement or in an emergency, when we have the use of an agreed password system.
We ensure that parents are informed at all stages of the assessments, planning provision and review of their children’s education.
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children.
We ensure that our physical environment is as far as possible suitable for children with disabilities.
We include all children in our setting and make sure that all the children are receiving praise and support.
Staff Training and Experience in supporting your children with SEND.
All staff are trained or in the process of gaining their level 3 qualification. They have many years of experience working with children between the ages of 2 and 5 years, as well as being parents themselves.
Three members of staff have completed the SEN code of practice training.
All staff regularly attends training on various subjects and cascade the information received to all staff members.
We have a wide support network outside the preschool and can contact any service for advice or to make a referral. Services include; speech and language therapists, teachers, health visitors and children’s centre.
Further training will be sought and accessed to support an identified SEND.
Our SENCO has received training in Promoting Positive Behaviour, Autism information sessions.
We have a fully trained Equality Named Coordinator (ENCO).
We work in partnership with parents and other agencies in meeting individual children’s needs.
Specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by our setting.
We work with all professionals as required by individual children and always encourage the professionals to come into the setting to visit the child. Parental permission is always sought before advise/referrals are made
We investigate what support is available to support your child and yourself.
The local children’s centre; Fairycroft, Saffron Walden, offer a range of services to families with children under five years old. The centre works in partnership with Essex County Council, families and the local community. This centre is one of three children’s centres across the Uttlesford district.
How our setting includes young children with SEND in community based activities and outings.
All children are welcome to attend trips and outings. All children are to attend with a parent/carer.
Prior to the trip we will discuss with the parent the best way for your child to access the activities during the trip. (If required additional risk assessments will be carried out.
On all trips all staff members are Paediatric First Aid trained and will carry a fully equipped first aid box when accompanying the group.
A mobile phone and contact details and a register for the children will be taken on the trips.
Our accessible environment.
Our building and toilets are fully wheelchair accessible and are all on one level. The outside and inside area of the setting is on one level. There are 4 disabled parking spaces outside the setting.
We have access to an all weather surface, fully enclosed sports area. A fully enclosed play park is also available for us to use at will.
We use visual timetables to support routines and communications.
Photographs of the preschool toys and resources are used within the setting to help children communicate their wants and needs.
We have a wonderful Nature Space which is assessable to all, to help us learn and
How our setting prepares and supports young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another setting or school.
We offer settling in sessions where you can bring you child into play before they officially start so your child can become familiar with the setting and the staff.
We are flexible and have many strategies which we can use to help settle your child.
When going to school, your child will make visits to their new school to meet their new teacher.
Primary school teachers are actively encouraged to visit their new students at the Chesterfords preschool to meet them and talk to their key worker.
How our setting organises its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND
We carefully assess, plan, do and review each individual’s needs, this is known as the Graduated Approach. Resources are then allocated so that all children can have full access to the equipment and the setting’s areas of learning. We would also ensure staff attend any specific training as necessary.
We will speak to Essex County Council to find out how we are able to access necessary resources. This would initially be with the Area SENCO who have resources available to loan.
How we decide on appropriate support for young children with SEND.
The key worker will make regular observations linked to the EYFS ages and stages of development. With yourself and the settings SENCO.
The setting will identify what support is required, if necessary extra support will be sought for the Area SENCO at Essex County Council with parental permission.
A one page profile will be put in place by the key worker, SENCO and yourselves. The SENCO will give advice on meeting your child’s needs within the setting. Reports from professionals, working with you child will be used to plan support within the setting.
The keyworker/SENCO will keep all the staff up to date with children’s needs during the session. This will ensure all the staff working with your child knows your child’s strength and needs and how to support them.
Who to contact for further information.
More detailed information is available in our policies which are located within our parents’ information box which can be found on the table in the entrance lobby.
If you would like to discuss your child prior to staring at The Chesterfords Preschool please contact:
Debbie Allard on 07840 341551 during preschool hours or email:
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
SENCO Special Educational Needs Coordinator