30th Anniversary Celebrations
To celebrate our 30th Anniversary we will be holding a day of fun at the Community Centre. Bouncy Castles, face painting, refreshments, dog shows, amusements and much more. We would like to invite all of our wonderful preschoolers from across the 30 years, past & present staff, committee members and all of the wonderful Chesterford community to come and celebrate with us! More details coming soon!
Easter Hat Parade & Easter Sing-along
Our annual Easter Hat Parade is back on the 26th March. Children are to make their Easter hats at home and bring them in for the parade. At 10am we will be holding an Easter sing-along and activities morning for the local elderly residents along with our Tuesday Children.
Uttlesford Community Policing Team
We have arranged with the local policing team for a visit to Preschool on Monday 18th March 2024. The Police Community Support Officer will be doing a safety talk, she will be bringing uniform for the children to try on, and will also bring the police car for the children to play in. Finally she will be doing finger printing certificates with the children.
Comic Relief Day
‘Dress Funny For Money’ event to raise money and awareness for Comic Relief. Children are welcome to dress funny during the week. For example, wear clothes backwards or pyjamas. We will also be holding a raffle and Red Nose Cake sale. Don’t forget to bring in your coins!
World Book Day
At Preschool, each child will be given a £1 book token which can be exchanged for a book from your nearest bookseller. Children are invited to bring in their favourite book for Show & Tell this week, & dress up as a character from a book on the 7th March.
Mother's Day Week
During the week we would like to invite mummies, grannies, nannies or aunties into Preschool. They can come in for an hour or so to play with the children, take part in activities, join lunch club or read a story.